
Showing posts from August, 2018
Quan Hodges fitness journal I've been working out for approximately 13 consistent years and I've finally gotten to the point where I feel I've figured this thing out.  In the beginning I made a lot of mistakes that weren't detrimental because of my metabolism was still at its peak and it compensated for my lack of a good diet.  I recovered from injuries extremely fast and I worked out almost every day...but those injuries were caused by improper training, not enough attention to recovery and attempting to lift too much. So after 13 years here are a few things that I've learned...keep in mind that everyone is different and results may vary, but I think what I've learned could be beneficial for most people. 1. It's 80% diet.  This was me June 2017 This is me 3 months later less 25lbs I'm currently down to around 10% body fat for the first time in my life.  So what prompted this x-wife was never really happy with...

What to expect when migrating to Ionic 4